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THINNER, Les Edwards
Joyland, Glen Orbik
Eli John Art - The Sisters Shawshank Redemption
Eli John's Art - Andy and Red Shawshank Redemption
Eli John Art - Red's Wife's Crown Shawshank Redemption
Eli John Art - Andy's Escape Shawshank Redemption
Eli John Art - The Tale The Breathing Method
Eli John Art - The Nightmare The Breathing Method
Eli John Art - The Breathing Method
Eli John Art - The Concentration Camp Apt Pupil
Eli John Art - Blue Point Diner The Body
Eli John Art - Ray Brower The Body
Eli John Art - Ace and Eyeball The Body
Michael Whelan-- Clash of Powers
"The Buzzard" Don Maitz original artwork
Stephen King Firestarter Michael Whelan Remarqued Dustjacket
"Wizard's First Rule" preliminary cover artwork by Doug Beekman